Friday, November 4, 2011

Sojourning Eastward

Target is two miles east of our apartment through Harlem. It's a nice walk...we head over and down into Morningside Park, which is made up of steep staircases and trees, and then follow 117th until we're on the other side of the island.

Harlem rooftops from the west side of the park.

We saw a lot of kitties today! This one was hanging out in the park. The other two were half-grown tabby kittens.

Target is worth the trek because of the low prices...we stocked up on nonparishables and knitwear. Target Brands, Inc. might not be globally sustainable, but as a clichéd poor grad student I have to ration out my scruples. And looming concrete parking structure, you reminded us of home!


  1. Your Target trek was much more beautiful than mine today, although it looks like the temperature was about the same. Love the long socks. And how nice that Sutter Elementary is represented all the way in Harlem(go frog jumpers!).

  2. Thank you! Those long socks are nice and toasty...I'm glad I have them in two colors.

  3. Are you sure those aren't leg-warmers (which Julie and I would remember from the 80's!)?

    It seems like the Virgin of Gaudalupe would be a touch of home, too. I was surprised to see her, because I associate her with Mexico/ California and not NYC.

  4. They have feet, so I'm assuming they're socks...aren't leg warmers just a tube? American Apparel told me they are "over the knee socks," but AA is not the trustworthiest.
