Yesterday Devin and I went on a day trip down California's coast for my 24th birthday. We stopped at Point Pinos Lighthouse and Monarch Grove Sanctuary in Pacific Grove, and then headed further south to Mission San Carlos Borromeo and the beach in Carmel. It was a lovely day.
I think ice plants are prettiest in January, when they glow red.

Take a second look at this picture: The pinecone looking things are actually giant clusters of wintering monarch butterflies! The backs of the wings are a much tamer hue than their vibrant orange fronts.

King of butterflies.

At Mission San Carlos Borroméo del río Carmelo. Established in 1770, it's the second oldest mission in California, a relic of the state's Spanish past and the beginning of the tragic destruction of indigenous peoples. However, it's also a good locale for a birthday photo shoot to display my newly acquired thrifted items.

White fur stole and knitted skirt both from Black and Brown on the Alameda in San Jose.

Sunset in Carmel.
Looks like a magical California coastal birthday............lucky lady!