Sunday, September 18, 2011

Alma Mater

One thing about Columbia's campus is that there sure are a lot of pillars. Coming from a much younger undergraduate school with much less of a cohesive Neoclassical-and-brick influence, this new university seems pretty fancy. The main Morningside Heights campus is also quite small in comparison to previous institutions, which is not all bad.

This herringbone brick pattern is everywhere.

Interior of the dome.

The building where all of my classes are. More pillars!

A pretty intense lantern outside where I work.

A glimpse of the farmer's market right outside the university gates.

The walk homewards.

Freshly purchased apples=scholastic, autumnal, etc. Each one is a different kind.


  1. Your campus pictures remind me of our Italy pictures and some of our DC pictures. A lot of similarities. But I especially like the market, the walk home complete with make-shift chess, and Devin's big grin. And you have a job Laura? Congrats!

  2. I like the compact campus. All the pillars remind me of my alma mater.
