Sunday, October 23, 2011


Happy almost Halloween! Today we walked the half mile north to Grant's Tomb and tried to look spooky. It's an impressive monument, and well-restored...apparently it languished into decay until 1935. It's also right behind the Columbia Theological Seminary, a strikingly spired structure.



  1. Your hair is getting so long! And I'm glad to see you have a fallout shelter over there. Now I don't have to worry about you nearly as much.

  2. I miss you! I'm in the process of typing up (finally) one of my (finally) edited pieces. I'll send it to you as soon as I'm done. :)

  3. Marisa--Fallout shelters are everywhere here! Consider me well prepared for the nuclear apocalypse.

    Rachel--I'm proud of you! It's really hard to write once one is out of school. Excited to read it!
