Friday, September 16, 2011

There and Back Again

Today we walked the Brooklyn Bridge, one way in the daylight and the other in the dark. Which means we have officially set foot in a borough other than Manhattan! We stayed in Brooklyn for a cup of tea at a greasy diner before making the return trek.

Spot the minute Statue of Liberty over my shoulder!

On the other side I bought a delicious mango-on-a-stick from a tiny street cart. It was perfectly ripe and juicy, and eating it was super fun.

Mango mid-chew.


  1. omg that mango looks amazing. i love the pics!

  2. Same question. Where is the traffic? Amazing looking bridge! Only it looks a little antiquated in places.

  3. The cars are driving underneath the beams in the second to last photo! There were a lot of cars, but traffic didn't seem to be that bad. The foot path was really congested with tourists, though.
